Dress for Success – 2019 Saskatoon

Dress for Success Saskatoon

The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support

I absolutely love getting to go to this event and take photos.  There are a bunch of fabulous women, celebrating other women’s success and support, sided with delicious food- Odd couple, Hearth, Shift & Calories, fabulous prizes – like a Westjet gift certificate, Heinrichs necklace, Hilberg & Berk jewllery & Tons more, All while enjoying such a beautiful venue, The Remai Modern.

Plus I love working with the women from RSVP Event Design who help the Dress for Success women plan this wonderful event.

It is just such an incredible group of women and such a fun night!.  Here are some photos from the event



Here is the group of women who make this event happen

Empower women to achieve economic independance