Covid Pandemic and living Isolation Life

If you would have asked me a few months ago what our life would be like today, I could never have imagined…

Living in isolation.. living in a pandemic… it would have probably one of my worst nightmares… teaching my kids full time.. not getting to hang out with anyone in person.. not getting to do my “work”

It feels surreal and yet it is so real, all at the same time.. My emotions have been a bit like a rollercoaster..  feeling hope then diving down into a great sea of sadness.  I know we will all get through this collectively but life will just inevitably look a lot different then it once was..

I am so grateful to have gone to my 10 day silent meditation retreat back in November.  It taught me so many valuable lessons.. being silent for 10 full days, having literally no one to console me through that silence & meditation.. It was by far one of the most challenging things I have ever done…

At least in this scenario I get to be with my family, have access to technology, I can paint, play the piano, go for bike rides and take a break from the hustle and bustle of life..

Yes my business is taking a huge hit.. and I have no idea what it will look like when we are allowed to go “back to work”..  but I am choosing to take this time and really starting enjoy it…

I spent it with my kids.. teaching them how to read, going for bike rides with them, playing badminton in the yard with Oliver, making stop motion movies, doing science projects with the boys, playing pano, painting, & reading my own books and actually finishing them.  I also started doing facebook live meditations for Purivada Yoga loft.. It was a thing I wanted to do but never actually did it.. I also have a couple facebook live photography classes helping people take photos of their families & babies..

For the last month I have literally walked and biked  everywhere with a camera by my side, capturing our little adventures and everyone we run into

Here are some images of our adventures